Description of the extract
The extract below consists of Section 5, Vectors, of Unit 5, Coordinate geometry and vectors, which has seven sections in total and is scheduled to be started after about two months' work on the module - see the Outline study calendar. This section is expected to take about four hours to study, plus additional time on the corresponding assignment questions. The whole of Unit 5 is scheduled to take about 16 hours to study, spread over two weeks.
This extract, which considers how quantities that have both a size and a direction can be represented, is relatively self-contained and should be reasonably easy to understand for someone who has not studied any of the previous texts in the module. A few techniques and definitions taught earlier in the module are present in the extract without explanation. However the extract isn't entirely representative of the module materials because there are no explicit references to some module components, such as software.
The first document below contains the main extract (pages numbered 34 to 54). The second document contains solutions to the activities and exercises in the extract. (Solutions to activities and exercises are provided at the back of each MST124 unit.)
The extract is a small part (probably around 1%) of a large module that is studied over about eight months and so can give only an approximate indication of the level and content of the module. In this extract some illustrations have been removed due to copyright restrictions.
(Note: Some of the mathematical notation in this extract from the printed form of the module materials may not be accessible by screenreader software.)