How to choose between MU123 and MST124 - one of these will usually be your first module in mathematics

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: Mathematics is a key part of many subjects such as...

      Mathematics is a key part of many subjects such as computing, data science, economics, physics, science, and statistics, and the amount of mathematics you study will depend on your chosen qualification.

      There are two entry modules in mathematics, and so you may need to choose between:

      • Discovering mathematics (MU123)
      • Essential mathematics 1 (MST124) – in some qualifications this is known as an intensive start.
        MST124 assumes you have already studied MU123, or equivalent. So, if MU123 is the right starting point for you, you should not register for MST124 at the same time.

      Check which qualification you are planning to study, and follow the advice in the table below.

      Your qualification Use these Starting points pages to ... Your study in mathematics will ...
      No qualification - just studying a module, or modules, on a standalone basis  ... decide whether MU123 or MST124
      is best for you

      ... start with one of:

      • MU123
      • MST124

      MU123 can then be followed by MST124

      Not sure which qualification ... decide whether MU123 or MST124
      is best for you, and then select a qualification in which you can study that module
      ... depend on your chosen qualification

      BSc (Honours) Mathematics (Q31)
      BSc (Honours) Mathematics and Statistics (Q36)
      BSc (Honours) Mathematics and its Learning (Q46)
      Diploma of Higher Education in Mathematical Sciences (W43)
      Certificate of Higher Education in Mathematical Sciences (T14)

      ... decide whether to start with MU123 or MST124

      ... start with one of:

      • MU123
      • MST124

      MU123 will then be followed by MST124

      BSc (Honours) Economics and Mathematical Sciences (Q15) ... decide whether to start with MU123 or MST124

      ... start with one of:

      • MU123
      • MST124

      MU123 will then be followed by MST124

      BSc (Honours) Mathematics and Physics (Q77)
      Diploma of Higher Education in Mathematics and Physics (W22)
      Certificate of Higher Education in Mathematics and Physics (T53)
      ... decide whether to start with MU123 or MST124

      If you decide to start with MU123, then you will also study MST124, MST125 and SM123 on the Basic mathematics start.

      If you decide to start with MST124, then you will also study MST125 and S111 on the Standard start.

      ... start with one of:

      • MU123
      • MST124

      MU123 will then be followed by MST124

      Master of Physics (M06)
      BSc (Honours) Physics (R51)
      Diploma of Higher Education in Physics (W82)
      ... decide whether to start with MU123 or MST124

      If you decide to start with MST124, you can then choose whether to study S111 (on the Standard Start) or not (the Advanced start pathway).

      ... start with one of:

      • MU123
      • MST124

      MU123 will then be followed by MST124

      BSc (Honours) Combined STEM (R28)
      BA/BSc (Honours) Open degree (QD)
      BSc (Honours) Geology (R53)
      Diploma of Higher Education Open (W34)
      Certificate of Higher Education Open (T09)

      ... decide whether to start with MU123 or MST124

      ... start with one of:

      • MU123
      • MST124

      MU123 can then be followed by MST124

      BSc (Honours) Computing and IT (Q62)
      BSc (Honours) Cyber Security (R60)
      Diploma of Higher Education in
      Network Engineering (W19)
      Diploma of Higher Education in Software Development (W20)
      Diploma of Higher Education in Computing and IT (W36)
      Certificate of Higher Education in Computing and IT (T12)
       ... decide whether to study only MU123 or only MST124  ... be one of:
      • MU123
      • MST124

      BSc (Honours) Data Science (R38)
      Diploma of Higher Education in Data Analysis (W77)
      Certificate of Higher Education in Data Analysis (T42)

      The Physics and Astronomy & Planetary Science pathways of:
      BSc (Honours) Natural Sciences (Q64)
      Diploma of Higher Education in Natural Sciences (W37)
      Certificate of Higher Education in Natural Sciences (T11)

      BSc (Honours) Computing & IT and a second subject (Q67)
      Diploma of Higher Education in Computing & IT and a second subject (W42)
      Certificate of Higher Education in Computing & IT and a second subject (T13)
      where the second subject can be: Mathematics or Statistics (amongst others)

       ... decide whether you are ready to start MST124  ... be MST124, which is compulsory in all these qualifications

      Information about Q31, Q36, Q46, W43, T14 is here.

      Information about all qualifications is here (links to the OU's main site in a new window).