Masters in Mathematics

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: The Open University has the largest MSc in Mathema...

      The Open University has the largest MSc in Mathematics student population in the UK, and provides you with the opportunity to study a number of advanced topics in pure or applied mathematics, or a mix of the two.

      Visit MSc in Mathematics (F04) (opens in new window) for further information.

      Alternatively, if you aren't ready to sign up for the full MSc, you can opt to register on one of the following intermediate qualifications (each opens in a new window). You can then transfer to the degree at a later stage, if you wish to.

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: Are you ready for the MSc in Mathematics?

      Use the diagnostic quiz above to check you are ready to start postgraduate study of mathematics.

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: Text and media area

      Copy of a poster advertising the OU's MSc in Mathematics