Sample extract

By browsing through this material you should get a feel for the level of the module, its general style and approach and some of the topics covered.

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: The items below are to give you a feel for what it...

      The items below are to give you a feel for what it is like to study Discovering mathematics (MU123).
      Here is a recommended approach to using them.

      1. Have a look at the Outline study calendar to see that the module is spread over a period of about 8 months, delivered in 14 study units, with a number of assignments to complete.
      2. Read the Description of the extract to see how it fits into the module.
        Each MU123 unit consists of explanatory text mixed in with worked examples, and activities and exercises for students to complete. Within each unit, there are also references to other module components, such as the module website for accessing software and videos used to explain some of the concepts and to develop mathematical skills.
      3. Try to work through the Extract in detail, which may well take you quite some time, but don't worry if you don't understand it all. We suggest that you print the extract and study it with paper, pen and a calculator to hand!
      4. Look at the Assessments based on the extract, and think about how you would tackle them. Try to have a go at them, but remember that they rely on material which you may not have covered, so don't be discouraged if it seems difficult.
      5. See how a student tackled the written assignment question, and consider what you think of their solution. Then look at how the student's tutor comments on their solution.
    • Students can manually mark this item complete: Outline study calenda

      This gives details of the expected pattern of study on MU123 together with details of the frequency of assignments.