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Jim McCrory

Just Kids

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 25 Sept 2024, 20:08

A vagrant wanders empty ruins.

Suddenly he’s wealthy.


Blowing Bubbles by https://unsplash.com/@nicholaschesteradams 

We were just kids, only eleven, growing up in the Glasgow slums in the sixties. Me and my two pals liked to poke around old, broken-down buildings with sticks, searching for treasure—or just anything really. I think it was Harry who found an old jacket one day. He dug around in the pockets and pulled out three five-pound notes and a ten-bob note. We couldn’t believe it! We were so happy we jumped up and down. With the ten-bob note, we treated ourselves to a big meal, and then we bought three tins of Creamola Foam. We mixed it with water and spent the day enjoying the bubbly fizz!

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory

Note: Creamola Foam,


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