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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Wednesday, July 24th 2024

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Have now completed the editing of TMA05. Going to leave until tomorrow before reviewing one final time. Tidied up the referencing as well.

Attended a library session tonight on finding and using databases. This was very useful and will become important as I progress and need to do more independent study.  

Started my plan for TMA06 tonight, just the basics at the top, will plan the assignment as I do the work on Benin. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Tuesday, July 23rd 2024

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I have completed my first draft and first edit of TMA05, the reflective task. A little more editing to do yet, nearly 100 words over the word count at present, but fairly happy with this.

Earlier this evening I had my individual support conversation with Gill and she seemed pleased with my progress, we talked about the review and my next module A113 as I continue to pursue a history degree. It was a good chat and well worth doing so that I know where I am. Gill says I have 56% so far so do not need the worry about passing. 

Once I've completed the reflective task I am going to start the work on Benin and my final TMA of this module. I hope to do this work, plan as I work through it as I did with Ireland and get my first draft done before completing the final two units on religion and philosophy.  

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, July 21st 2024

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I am now quite a bit ahead as I have completed the first three units of block three and am currently working on TMA05 and the reflective essay. Have got a lot of this done, I have completed my plan reviewed the on-line review, my learning journal and feedback on the TMAs. I have tonight started the first draft and written up the introduction and the first two paragraphs. I have my one on one with Gill on Tuesday and a 'write now' session for TMA05 tomorrow. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal - Tuesday, July 16th 2024 Result of TMA04

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 18:46

Received the result of TMA04 last night and my worst mark so far, 75%. Still a good pass, but a little disappointing. Having now read Gill's comments though I can see where i went wrong and now kicking myself over some of the errors I made, but also acknowledge that there were parts I did get wrong, some of it in the editing I think.

Form PT3e First:

Congratulations on resilience and commitment. Not too much from this section as it is a general overview, comments on the essay and plan to follow below more important. The 'collective memory' part I probably didn't pay enough attention to. I did avoid just telling the history. At the end of this section Gill gives things to do before the reflective TMA05. 

On to the Essay:

On the Essay plan, Gill comments that she is glad to see I took her advice from TMA03 and worked on my plan as I worked through the unit. This I found was a big help. Also good to note my sources. Asked if I found it easier to write my first draft after this, I agree it was, but maybe too many words caused me issues, so may review that on my next assignment. Also complimented me on making notes on the guidance. 

On to the essay itself. Gill complimented my introduction on focussing on the question, and on my first paragraph, my signposting. The final sentence of my opening paragraph also had issues with how it flowed. I was concerned about this paragraph when writing the assignment and I did read it loud to myself but reading it now I understand exactly what Gill is saying, it is a poorly constructed sentence, and something I need to pay much mor attention to in the future.

Some of my in-text referencing I did get wrong, one of the things I'm a little sore at myself about. In paragraph one I referenced as 'Reading 6.1 in Forbes...., which should have been referenced as 'Hyde, 1892 quoted in Forbes, 2019, pp. 290-292'. This was in part as a tutorial I went on a few weeks before had suggested this as a way to reference readings, so for this essay I did this for the readings. I will learn from this on future assignments. Another issue with the in-text referencing was on quoting from the website, not putting a section number in, so another part to work on this in the future. The other on on the in-text referencing was video referencing putting time from to, 00:00 to 00:00. My reference list though was the correct layout.

My second paragraph was again good signposting, so that I have improved on since TMA03. This paragraph gave me a few issues whilst writing it. I changed it, rewrote it, deleted it, rewrote it again and was never entirely happy with it and it obviously did cost me marks. Gill points out that although I explained that Pearce didn't like trews and preferred a kilt to be the traditional dress, I didn't 'explain why Pearse argued for the kilt', and again with Countess Constance Markievicz I didn explain her political purposes with the 'current suffragette movement'. My link at the end of this was also incorrect as I didn't link it to a distinctive Irish national identity. 

My next paragraph was much better with 'good focus' and a 'good use of mini conclusion'.

The next few were good as well, so it was only really the first few that were a problem. Another issue I wished to kick myself on was was a apostrophe on 1920s and 1930s. It is just plural so no apostrophe. 

On the conclusion Gill commented 'Great focus on the question'. In summing up Gill acknowledges that I have an understanding of the module material and selected appropriate examples. One big improvement from TMA 03 was was my signposting sentences and mini conclusions at the beginning and end of paragraphs. On the content Gill commented that I could have expanded on 'served political purpose' aspect of the question and as mentioned above the 'shared collective memory'.

So overall a good pass, but down on my previous marks, a lot to work on. Think I need to take more care of the little things and make sure all parts flow and keep checking that I have answered all of the question. Plenty to think about going forward and TMA05 and TMA06. A lot still to improve and get write. 

On the wider aspects of the module, I have now completed last weeks and this weeks units and ready for 'Music and Protest in South Africa'. Enjoyed 'Antigone' and 'The Island' very much. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Sunday, July 7th 2024

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Have now completed work on the Gothic revival and just doing some of the optional further study. Currently reading up on Vitrivius. Hopefully can finish the Optional study tomorrow and move on to Antigone

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Saturday, July 6th 2024

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Had a busy week and got quite a lot done. After completing my essay, have now completed the work on moving on week, including the helpful video session on Tuesday afternoon. I was off work so able to take part in this. Have posted a couple of times on the moving forward forum, and would have liked to do a more reflective account on their of some of the things I have done on this module, but unfortunately the forum on this is now closed. 

On Thursday I did also attend the SHL session on the benefits of a masters degree. As this is my long term plan, I thought it well worth attending this and it was. Very informative and I look forward to progressing with that when the time comes. I also on Thursday joined the Historical Association and have discovered a history forum on the OU. Interesting chats on their about future modules I hope to complete. 

Having now completed moving forward week I have returned to the Gothic Revival and got a considerable amount of this done today. Hope to complete this tomorrow and move onto the official study plan of this week, Antigone. I did read quite a bit of the set book for this on Monday, whilst I had no internet so have made some kind of start on this. 

The work on moving forward from last week was quite useful in preparing for TMA05 when we have to write a reflective account of our learning journey so far. Given me a few pointers and ideas for this assignment. The reflective part of this building on the parts in week 6 and week 11 is useful reflection on where I currently am and other students and some employers accounts about studying Arts and Humanities was also extremely useful.  There are a lot of transferable skills that you can carry over to your every day life. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Sunday, June 30th 2024.

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Did Sheila Moss's TMA 04 'Write Now' session this afternoon and then had a panic about my essay. Had I answered the question. The trick bit was the beginning 'How far does...' I looked at it and decided changes were needed especially to the introduction and conclusion, but ended up changing quote a lot of it. By the end was much happier and have now submitted the TMA. 

Tomorrow back to Material Culture of Christianity. Week off work this week, so can catch up and get ahead I hope. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Saturday, June 29th 2024

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Am quite happy with my essay on Ireland now. Have got the word count down to an acceptable amount and maybe just a few grammatical tweaks tomorrow and I will submit it. Then it will be catching up with material Christianity and the Gothic revival and then moving to this reflecting 'moving on' week.

Talking of which I have put up a few posts, one to each thread on the forum page and will look forward to seeing how some of my fellow A111 students have found  the work and the skills they have learnt. Already a few interesting comments, especially surrounding note taking. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Thursday, June 27th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:21

Been ill with a summer cold for much of this week, so a little behind with my essay now. Have done some work on it tonight and following last night 'drop-in' session with Gill tidied up some of my referencing of videos. Have also got the word count down to below 1600, so getting there, hope to complete on Saturday.  

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Tuesday, June 25th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:21

Move on tonight with Dunfermline Abbey section of material culture in Christianity and completed that section. Been ill the last few days with bad summer cold. Started watching the TMA04 Write Now session, but stopped then, and will look at it tomorrow or Thursday. 

Haven't returned to my essay on Ireland yet, will now look at that on Thursday and complete it Saturday if needed. Drop in session with Gill tomorrow. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Sunday, June 23rd 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:21

Assignment week has arrived and time to edit my Essay on Ireland. I have tidied up quite a lot of it and reduced the word count by over 300 words, but still a way to go yet. Next attempt on Tuesday and hopefully ready to finalise and submit on Thursday.

Gill has confirmed my phone call to discuss TMA05 and moving on on July 23rd, 7.30pm. 

Tomorrow back to Material Christianity for the limited time I have on Mondays.  

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Saturday, June 22nd 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:21

Have listened to audio recording, 'moving on with assignments' and completed questionnaire on 'am I ready for TMA04'. Results as link below.


Have moved on a bit with Material Christianity and tomorrow it's back to the essay and TMA04.

Have also asked for discussion with Gill on July 23rd about moving forwards. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Thursday, June 20th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:22

Have moved onto Christianity and its material culture now. Have quite enjoyed it so far. It is amazing what you don't know about the church. Very interesting how Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant branches of Christianity came about.

Looking at the early part on Canterbury Cathedral was also very interesting and would love to visit it at some point. I'm off for a week in a couple of weeks and plan on going to St David's Cathedral. When I last went it was closed due to COVID. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Wednesday, June 19th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:22

Have now completed the first draft of my essay for TMA04. It currently stands at 1977 words, 477 words over my word count, so a lot of editing in store for next week. Tomorrow I'm going to work on Christianity and It's Material Culture.

Tonight I was on an SHL session for Critical Thinking (Advanced). I realised half way through I had already seen a recording of a previous session on the same subject, but still worth doing again. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Tuesday, June 18th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:22

Nearly completed my first draft of TMA04. Just started the final paragraph, Should have it wrapped up tomorrow hopefully. Think it will require a substantial amount of editing next week.

Attended on line tonight the summer party of SHL. This was an entertaining and interesting hour, interacting with students across all faculties. They did a couple of quizzes that were fun, based on the old Krypton Factor programme that used to be on. Did well in the first, 7 out of 10, apparently joint second overall. Didn't do so well on the one based on cuisine from around the world. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Sunday, June 16th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:23

I took a few days off away from studying on Friday and Saturday, but returned to it today. 

I completed my essay plan and have started work on the my first draft of the essay. About half way through now. Hope to have this done by Tuesday and then catch up with last week's study calendar. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Thursday, June 13th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:23

Only had a small amount of time tonight, but have made good progress on my essay plan. I have now planned the first four paragraphs, so only two more to go now, based on the latter part of the twentieth century, the Jubilee Celebrations of 1966 and the fate of many houses and institutions with British rule connotations, and how these were re-remembered in the last thirty years of the twentieth century. 

Should now be able to spend Saturday writing the first draft of the essay. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Wednesday, June 12th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:23

I have now moved on with my essay plan for TMA04. Tonight I spent much of the night reviewing my notes and slides from the tutorial Gill did last week and also going over the question one again.

I have started editing my plan, so that I can start narrowing down the ten paragraphs I have found evidence for to the six or so I need. 

Firstly though, I have written in my plan my conclusion and introduction. Tomorrow I will carry on editing and finalising my plan, so I can start on my first draft. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Tuesday, June 11th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:24

I completed the work on Ireland tonight. I have spent a lot of time on the optional further study, bit well worth it. I have worked on my essay plan for this assignment (TMA04) as I worked through the unit. Just now need to complete links, a conclusion and finally an introduction. Then I will do my first draft and leave it until assignment week. I have this the best way to do this.

Once I have completed my first draft, I will work on the last two weeks of this section, Material Culture in Christianity and the Gothic Revival. I attended a tutorial tonight on this (Material Culture in Christianity) with Jennifer Vuglar. I found this very and the whole history of it from Catholic to the Reformation, evangelism and Methodist churches, so am quite looking forward to this unit when I do it.

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Saturday, June 1st 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:24

Have now completed the work on Plato, including quite a lot of time on the optional further study. Now started on Remembering and forgetting in Ireland. This is my option for TMA04, so am going to do my essay plan as I go through the work. Then I'll do my first draft before moving on to next weeks work on religion. 

I have highlighted the key words in the essay question and guidance in readiness to see what I need to include. Also put them in my plan to remind me as I go along.

Attended a tutorial this morning on Plato, very useful, not many attended but enjoyed the interaction on philosophy. A lot of tutorials this week, one every night. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Thursday, May 30th 2024 - TMA03 Feedback

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:25

Received my marked assignment, TMA03 back last night. 84%, same as TMA02, so well pleased with that. Still a few things to get better at though. 

Gill, my tutors, first comment in PT3e was pleasing 'This is impressive time management and commitment to your studies'. She went onto say I was 'sailing through the module and comfortably passing my assignments'. Gill went onto say 'This assignment was a pleasure to mark'. Also that I clearly understand the materials and my academic voice is progressing. Also that I demonstrate an understanding of academic practise. Thanked me for the forum posts.

Recommends at the half way stage of the module a review at:


Comments back on the assignment itself first, good point on planning for the forum element. Gill like the format I used for my plan and recommended some changes. I was going to look at my template as it happens, as I thought of some improvements that could be made. I will adopt these recommendations. Recommends also that i write my sign posting sentence for each paragraph in the plan in full. Also suggested I look at the word count for each paragraph, should be at least 200 words to explain and evidence the point. Make sure the conclusion directly answers the question. 

Onto the essay itself. First comment was something I did have my doubts about when writing the essay. I set out a process, but this should be for science subject, not classical studies or any of the arts and humanities. In paragraph one, I should have explained the three periods of classical sculpture, not just the Archaic period. In my final sentence of paragraph one, I should have related back to question. In paragraph two, I still hadn't told my reader what the traditions were. Got a good comment for explaining the upright stance of the kouroi in the Archaic tradition, also good point in my final sentence.

Paragraph three had a much better signposting question, 'The main influence on the Archaic period sculptors were the Egyptians'. Also good that I compared the hair of the kouros to the Egyptian headdress on the statue of Mentuemhat. Paragraph four was also all good with my final sentence again getting a 'yes'. On my conclusion, Gill commented that 'I can see that you have studied and understood the module material,. But also commented that was still leaving it to the reader to discover and decide on the answer. Gave me advice on tightening my opening sentences in TMA04, and finally commented on my 'Impressive editing' at landing on 1198 words out of 1200. 

On my referencing, Gill commented that 'Well done with formatting your sources. You have made good use of supporting evidence'. 

On the forum posts, Gill thanked me for sharing my tradition, St David's Day and commented on the Welsh at the end and for sharing a link for more information on St David's Day. In my reply to Pete's post on the Christmas Polish traditions, that is was a lovely response and good to ask questions and thanked me for the replies to the other posts. 

All in all pretty pleased, but still a bit to think about and work on. Now to do the review task as above link.

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Thursday, May 23rd 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:25

Have completed my essay tonight and submitted TMA03. Now the wait for the mark! Started next weeks work on Philosophy and 'Questioning Tradition'. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Wednesday, May 22nd 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:25

Nearly there now with TMA03. Did a little more editing tonight and will have one final look tomorrow and copy and paste the forum posts I'm going to use. 

Tonight we had a drop-in session with Gill. Only four students attended, but it was time well spent. Gill went through some of the things for the TMA and on the video's I've referenced helped me tidy up my referencing. I had it slightly wrong before, or at least not how she would prefer it. The general chat about the academic integrity and the structure of the essay were very helpful as well. 

Once I wrapped up the assignment tomorrow I will move on to next weeks work.  

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Sunday, May 19th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:25

Got a lot done today, a bit more research for my essay a have now completed my second and maybe final draft. In fact was about 10 drafts today, changed quite a lot from my first draft. Dropped a few paragraphs and changed the last paragraph to my conclusion, it seemed to read like a conclusion, but I had added more evidence, which I moved to more appropriate paragraphs in the essay. Going to leave to essay now for a couple of day and finalize it on Tuesday. 

Was hoping to write a few more forum posts today, but didn't have time in the end, so plan for that tomorrow night. Going to move on with next weeks work with my other time this week. 

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Neil Lynn Thomas

Learning Journal, Thursday, May 16th 2024

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Edited by Neil Lynn Thomas, Sunday, 21 July 2024, 16:26

Tonight I have completed the poetry week 15 and returned to Greek and Roman sculpture for the TMA. I watched Sheila Moss's 'write now' empty room tutorial from Tuesday which was very good and has got my brain switched back onto the Greek and Roman Sculpture.

A quick word on the pomodoro technique. I was quite sceptical of this at first but have been using it for some months now, since the day school in Bristol. I find it an excellent method and now do things like washing up etc in the 5 min breaks and get my food ready in the slightly long break between sets of four. This I find works especially well in the evening. I do two sets and get loads done. 

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