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Day Eleven of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 19:03

I knew I had to have a proper day off, I just swapped Monday for Sunday, I never realised it would so hard withdrawing from technology or even reducing. I've spent the last couple of months toying with the idea of getting my pre-internet brain back for no good reason I was checking my phone, scrolling mindlessly and achieving nothing. I started by giving up social media "which if I'm honest was quite easy, i have disabled all apps on my smart phone and I will be getting an analogue Nokia this week. I have transferred all of my smart app capabilities to my laptop, which in itself has reduced the number of times I pick my phone. Phase two will be cutting down the use of my laptop, its so hard though, take the OU for example need a laptop! I want to go to the bank instead of watching a screen, i want to talk to people with questions and discussions! I want the world to re-join the world and keep fit not stay in doors and do it on an app! On a beautiful summers evening I want the world to fall head over heels for a stranger they I] barely know and because of physical attraction a  double take takes and guess what they turned too, then they spent the afternoon chatting getting to know each other, preparing our second date! Not swipe left and right looking and computer enhanced phots until they think I've found someone they might like, all taking place in the loneliness of tunnel vision eyes down on a screen. I've come to realise over time that I cannot change the world, I can only change my world..........so as the old song goes "a change gone come"


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