Are you ready for MU123?

MU123 will assume that you can answer most of the questions in this quiz correctly before you start studying it.

Please note that your activity on the quiz can be viewed by relevant Open University staff and may be used to help support your study planning, either directly or indirectly. A short overview of our data retention policy can be found on the Data protection and privacy notice page.

  • Are you ready for MU123?

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: These two quizzes will help you decide whether you...

      These two quizzes will help you decide whether you are ready for Discovering mathematics (MU123), and you may wish to attempt both:

      • A quiz you can complete online which will enable you to see which topics you might need to brush up on, and where to find help with them.
      • A quiz you can print out to complete on paper. Answers to the print-out quiz are available – but do the quiz before you look!
    • Students can manually mark this item complete: The quizzes cover the knowledge it is assumed you ...

      The quizzes cover the knowledge it is assumed you already have for successful study on MU123.

      In order to do each quiz:

      • set aside up to an hour;
      • ensure that you have a pen and paper for your working;
      • try to answer every question - you can do them in any order
      • have a basic calculator to hand.

      Each time you attempt a quiz, keep a note of how well you do and how long it takes you to complete. This information will be helpful if you need to talk to an educational adviser about your study plans.

      If it takes you substantially longer you may have the mathematical potential but the pace of MU123 may be too demanding, so you should seek further advice.

      Each quiz will also tell you how to brush up your knowledge if you’ve just forgotten about one or two topics, or if you wish to boost your confidence before you start the module.

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: To help you revise existing skills for these quizz...

      To help you revise existing skills for these quizzes and in preparation for MU123 it is recommended that you work through Maths Help. There is a Maths Help module to help you to refresh your knowledge of each of the following topics:

      • Numbers, units and arithmetic
      • Rounding and estimation
      • Ratio, proportion and percentages
      • Squares, roots and powers
      • Diagrams, charts and graphs
      • Language, notation and formulas
      • Geometry

      You could also ensure that you are familiar with how your scientific calculator works.

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: If you managed to get mostly correct answers, or a...

      If you managed to get mostly correct answers, or at least the method of solution given in the answer makes sense to you, then you should consider signing-up for Discovering mathematics (MU123). However you might also like to look at the MST124 quiz.

      If you decide to enrol on Discovering mathematics (MU123) then Maths Help will be a useful resource to brush up your mathematics.

      If you found this quiz quite challenging then you might be able to do MU123 after some further preparation, such as successfully working through all the modules of Maths Help.

      If you haven't studied recently, are uncertain about your mathematical ability, or feel that Discovering mathematics (MU123) might be too demanding, here are a few options.

      • The Science, technology and maths (Y033) Access module which provides a good introduction to the skills of successful learning at a distance, and a grounding in some material relevant to Discovering mathematics (MU123).
    • Students can manually mark this item complete: If you have attempted the MU123 quiz (with a note ...

      If you have attempted the MU123 quiz (with a note of how well you did, and how long it took you to complete) and would like to discuss if you are ready for MU123, please contact Student Recruitment who, if necessary, will pass you on to an educational adviser.