Further information about MST124

More about what you'll learn.

  • Further information about MST124

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: Essential mathematics 1 (MST124) provides a broad ...

      Essential mathematics 1 (MST124) provides a broad introduction to the nature of mathematics and its uses in the modern world. It shows how mathematics can be used to investigate and answer relevant questions from physics, engineering, economics and everyday life.

      MST124 assumes good skills in algebra, trigonometry and geometry, and familiarity with the main functions on a scientific calculator, such as the sine and exponential functions.

      Providing you have the appropriate background knowledge, you should expect to spend about 10 hours per week overall studying MST124. It includes the use of mathematical computer software.

      There are four tutor-marked assignments, a number of short interactive computer-based assignments, and an examination, all of which count towards your final MST124 result.

      As well as giving you 30 credits at Level 1 successful completion of MST124 offers the following benefits.

      • Experience of a range of mathematical topics employed in many areas of such as computing, economics, engineering, physics and science. This includes:
        • applying algebra, number systems and functions to solve problems;
        • expressing mathematical ideas, arguments and procedures clearly;
        • using vectors and matrices to investigate mathematical structures;
        • using calculus to solve a range of problems;
      • Experience of using powerful mathematical software.