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Stahl (2006) on Group Cognition

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Edited by Steve Bamlett, Monday, 17 Aug 2015, 19:44

Figure 1: Stahl (2006:237) diagram of the Cycle of knowing

Stahl's model of the cycle of knowing or 'group cognition' shows the necessary and intrinsic link between the processes of 'personal knowing' and the processes of 'collaborative knowing', which he also terms 'group cognition'. The evidence for the existence of the dual linked processes here, Stahl finds primarily in 'interaction analysis', a refinement of 'conversation analysis'. The evidence used comes from the methods and theories of many academic disciplines and 'involves issues of pedagogy, software design, technical implementation, cognitive theories, social theories, experimental method, working with teachers and students, and the practicalities of recording and analyzing (sic.) classroom data (246).'

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