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SK190-AYRF: Printable version

Are you ready for SK190?

  • Introduction

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: Human biology: A body in balance explores the dive...

      Human biology: A body in balance explores the diverse body systems, including, for example, the cardiorespiratory and nervous systems. You will look at the structure and function of these varying systems and more, and their interconnections. Before you begin the module, we would like you to contemplate very carefully whether you are ready to study this subject.

      We anticipate that many of you will have studied the Open University stage 1 module, SDK100: Science and health. SK190 is a bridge between introductory OU stage 1 modules and higher-level study. It develops the core subject knowledge and study skills needed for higher education and distance learning within scientific and related disciplines. To enjoy SK190, however, there are some basic skills and concepts that you need to be sure of. 

      Please take the time to complete the 20 questions on the ‘Are you ready for SK190?’ resource. After concluding this quiz, you’ll have a better idea of how well prepared you are to start studying this module. Only you will have access to the results of the quiz. This means that your results will not be made available to your tutor, should you decide to go ahead and register for SK190.

      This quiz covers four areas, you can do the activity in one go, or do part of it and return to it later. The questions will help you to reflect on your skill level across the following areas:

      • Planning and time management, computer experience and study skills
      • Essential English 
      • Essential maths 
      • Essential science

  • Are you ready for SK190?

  • What does your feedback mean?

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: If you received all green ratings for your quizzes...

      If you received all green ratings for your quizzes, then you appear to have sufficient time, skills and basic knowledge to study SK190.

      If you received one or more ambers, then you may need to reflect on your availability, or you may need to revise your skills in one or more areas before studying SK190. We would strongly advise you to undertake some preparation before SK190 begins – you can find some suggestions below.

      If you received one or more reds, then perhaps you may require some additional groundwork to study SK190 at the present time. Or you may need to reconsider how to find more time for study. It is advisable to allocate at least 16–20 hours a week over a 9-month period in order to study SK190 successfully. If, by the time you begin this module, your preparation is inadequate, it could mean you having to invest even more study time each week in order to progress through the module.

      If you are based in the UK, you are strongly advised to register on an Open University Access module to gain experience and study skills before you begin SK190 – more details about Access modules can be found below. In our experience, if you proceed with SK190 after having taken an Access module first along with SDK100, you are more likely to be successful.

  • Preparing for SK190 study

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: SK190 does not assume any previous science qualifi...
      SK190 does not assume any previous science qualifications. However, in order to study the module successfully you need to be sufficiently prepared. If you received reds or ambers in the Are you ready for SK190? quiz, you are likely to need to spend around 16–20 hours on some preparation. Once you have done further preparation for SK190, you are advised to return to try the Are you ready for SK190? quiz to check your progress.

      You may find it useful to look through: Finding Time to Study | Open University

      Language skills

      To study SK190 you need to be able to read and write to a good standard in English. You can check your language skills on the English for OU study website which will also point you towards some online resources for developing language skills.

      You may find it useful to look through: English Language Skills | Open University

      IT skills

      To study SK190 you will need a computer and some basic computing skills such as writing a document using a word processor programme. You will learn all the other online study skills you will need while studying SK190. You can find some advice about acquiring a computer and studying online on the Skills for OU study website.

      You may find it useful to look through: Computing and IT Literacy Skills | Open University

      Maths skills

      Most Open University science and health courses assume that you can add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers. In SK190, the additional basic maths skills you will use include: handling decimal numbers and percentages, and working with tables and graphs to study health concepts and information. You may find the following resources useful for brushing up your maths skills:
  • Studying an Open University Access module first

    • Students can manually mark this item complete: SK190 forms a bridge between OU stage 1 modules an...

      SK190 forms a bridge between OU stage 1 modules and higher level study, and as such, we would anticipate that many students will have studied SDK100, or have equivalent skills from elsewhere, before they register on SK190.  

      If you are studying in the UK, and have not studied SDK100, an OU Access module is the perfect starting point if you feel you need to develop your study skills, and build your confidence before starting stage 1 study. For many students, Access modules remain ideal pathways to prepare for their qualification. It has also been observed that students who have taken an Access module in the past have gone on to be more successful in their future studies.

      Go to the online interactive quiz to check whether an Access module is for you.

      The most appropriate Access module to take as preparation for SK190 is the Science, technology and maths Access Module (Y033). You can find out more on the Access modules website. Select your own country from the drop-down menu near the top of the page.

      The stage 1 module, SDK100 Science and health, is also excellent preparation to study SK190.

      Alternatively (or if you are not studying in the UK), you may want to consider exploring one of our not-for-credit Science online short courses that can be studied online at any time. For example, Learn about human genetics and health issues, or Learn about molecules, medicines and drugs. Find out more on the Science online short courses website.

      You may find it useful to look through: Entry Requirements | Am I Ready? Tool | Open University

      Got a question?

      If you have any further questions about studying SK190 or other Open University modules, contact an adviser in our Student Registration and Enquiry Service. Email or call +44(0)300 303 5303.