OU blog

Personal Blogs


Testing the system

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Isobel Falconer, Thursday, 18 Dec 2008, 21:20

Like everyone else, just testing the system now we've got it.  Having to know the url for others blogs is a real pain, but hopefully blogroll will soon start disseminating the links.

Thanks a lot to Hilary for all the chasing she's done to work out what is going on - and what needs putting right.

I contribute bits to blogs all over the place.  Never felt the need for one of my own though, so don't know how much I'll keep this up.

Check out the ALC blog though for infrequent updates of what ALC has been doing - infrequent because we do as much as we can cope with as volunteers.

See also Caledonian Academy blog for my day job (not all by me)

What I want to know is whether rss feeds for blogs visible only within the OU get out past SAMS.  If so it'll be a first.  This is the excuse I've been given when I've suggested putting rss feeds on tutorhome pages, and rss doesn't work on ALC blog.

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Isobel's blog

Hi Isobel,

Great to see another blogger trying out the system. As you know I like the ALC blog, I'd like more updates, but understand that there are only so many hours in the OU week!


As to the RSS, I think I'll leave that for someone else to find out about!
