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Rocky Grove

Farewell to Rio and Hi Foz do Iguacu

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Edited by Rocky Grove, Saturday, 5 Oct 2013, 12:12



My last full day in Rio and I visited the statue of Cristo Redento (Christ the Redeemer) which gazes out from the 710m high Corcavado Mountain (three quarters the height of Snowdon) ascending in the midst of Rio from a sea-level base. I ascended by the old cog train which climbs the mountain side at angles of up to 30 degrees through the tropical rainforest of Parque National da Tijuca.

Magnificent views, even better than the Sugar Loaf and the statue is pretty impressive too.

I have enjoyed my time in Rio, a very friendly place, I have not noticed one sign of danger - about which I had been warned both personally and in guidebooks; it is beautiful - in an unparalleled setting winding around mountains covered by tropical rainforest with amazing beaches; a clean city - I have never seen so many refuse collection lorries, including at 8pm at night and on Sundays; the weather is gorgeous - thirties during the day and mid twenties at night, but not too humid and most of the time a slight breeze; the people are welcoming and friendly; but unfortunately, an expensive place - high European costs for everything except transport.

Tomorrow I fly to Foz do Iguaço, the nearest town to the Iguaço Falls on the borders of Argentina and Paraguay.


No problems with the journey, the plane left 15 minutes early and arrived over half an hour early, I walked out, got on a bus that had just arrived and was at my hostel 30 minutes after the scheduled landing time!

Foz do Iguaço is very different to Rio, unsurprisingly. It's about the same temperature but a bit more humid, but not too bad. Lovely hostel, staying in a single room is a good, reasonable option, this is in old hacienda on a quiet residential street very close to the centre. The town has cool wide streets, verygreen - it reminded me a bit of Australia.

This afternoon I took the bus to Cuidad del Este, just over the Parana River in Paraguay - what a contrast - it was like jumping from Oz to Accra. To be fair to Paraguay I don't think Cuidad del Este is necessarily representative of the country but it's evidently much poorer. The streets were crowded with people selling, and hassling - they wanted you to spend Brazilian Real or US Dollars! I only saw one sign in Paraguian Guarani.

The guide books and the Foz tourist office warned of muggings, so I took minimal money and my old camera - I didn't feel threatened but wasn't as comfortable as in Brasil!

I was happy to get back over the river. I'm trying this on the veranda and 8.15, it's still completely light showing how much further east I am than Rio where sunset was around 6.45.

Off for a meal, next blog from Argentina

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