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The Yellow Wallpaper (a210)

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Finding myself 'oppressed' from expressing my views in the official forum because of the wet-wank moderating there (which I sincerely hope won't apply to a personal blog) and the craven facilitation of wet-wank moderating by 'delegated regional authorities' who seem more motivated by concerns for the egos of their moderators than accessibility for students, I thought I'd just post here that I agree completely with the views being expressed by Jon and Rich etc regarding editorial 'bias'. Huge chunks of this part of the course seem loosely woven around assumptions of cause and effect rather than taking an holistic view of the historical, psychological, physiological, sociological etc etc factors that might explain more fully why the 'madwoman in the attic' appeals as a stereotype in popular fiction. 


There - I'm glad I've got that off my chest!


Oh - if anyone from A210 happens to read this, feel free to pass on my views but leave out the bit about mods and delegated regional authorites. I suspect it would get deleted anyway, possibly cause the person repeating it more trouble than it was worth and only serve to make some already smug people feel even smugger!


Oh, and the yellow wallpaper is quite a good short story - I also found the LMA story quite interesting too, though a bit longwinded. Perhaps it was the edit, but I thought it would have made a better short story  than 'novella' or perhaps a full novel with some sub-plotting and extra development.



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