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funny lady

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TWO helpings of the lovely Tamsin Greig in one week - Oh Joy!
Sadly, Monday night's episode of 'Episodes' was the last, so we won't be seeing her or the equally brilliant Mr Mangan in that for a while (Pullleeeze give it a second series, nice Mr TV commissioner, pleeeze), but what a lovely surprise (I hadn't recognised her in the trailer, because of the wig - hers, not mine, in case you were thinking it might have been a 'slipped in front of the eyes' kind of incident) to see her popping up again last night in the new channel 4 thingy 'Friday Night Dinner'. And not only Tamsin, but Mark Heap too! It's like Christmas in July (well, February, obviously, but that doesn't quite work, now, does it?)
Well of course, nothing can ever come close to the genius that was Green Wing, and neither Episodes or FND come even close to coming close, but to have a week that starts with Greig and Mangan and ends with Greig and Heap has to be worthy of a celebration, doesn't it? And who'd have thought they could ever laugh at Matt Le Blanc again after all the Friends re-runs and the disaster that was 'Joey'? Okay, so it took a knob gag to break the ice, but even so...

Right - gotta run - got a curry to cook.

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