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Big-hug your wee man from me and give him a fiver, he deserves it.

And put a smile on your face, just this once wink and don't you ever stop writing!



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Yep, honestly... It's Drug a Goat Time in England, and if you happen to be in Scotland smile at a pig and give it some money... 

Ben's done very well for cash this xmas and has very effectively maximised his profit margins by buying no presents for anyone else whatsoever, claiming he 'didn't have time'. I will be dropping him in town tomorrow when the shops re-open and will not let him back into the house until he has bought something that fully reflects the depths of his love and gratitude for me...

Hope you had a good NYE, Nell - I suspect by the time you posted you were off to a jolly good start and raise my hat to you smile

As for the smile - alas I tried it once but it didn't really work. People kept asking me if I was in pain. They say a smile uses less muscles than a frown, but tbh frowning is about the only exercise I get these days. That and waiting hand and foot on Ben - which is what I'm off to do now as he's demanding lunch and hasn't the imagination or will to knock himself up a sandwich. Ho hum... spare the rod...