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Believe it or not, this 'oil painting' is a photograph.  February 2018


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Edited by Ceiswyn Blake, Friday, 2 Mar 2012, 08:08
For any study period that lasts longer than an hour and a half, I need to take a break in the middle. This is at least partly because I start craving chocolate.

I have therefore invented a chocolate drink to make during those intervals that is better at kick-starting my brain than any amount of caffeine.

1 palmful grated bitter chocolate (we're talking 90%+ cocoa solids here)
1/2tsp sugar (as little as you can stand)
Generous pinch of chilli powder (yes, really)
Cinnamon to taste

Heat gently with water, and pour into a mug.

It's very much an acquired taste - it's insanely bitter, and the chocolate doesn't mix properly without milk - but it really does the job. And I'm totally addicted to the stuff.

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ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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That sounds awesome.