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Believe it or not, this 'oil painting' is a photograph.  February 2018

...and speaking of S282...

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94% in my first TMA! I am over the moon! (Which is kind of appropriate for an astronomy course)

Given that it was the first assessment submitted for the course so I didn't know how my tutor thinks, and I wasn't at all certain of a couple of my text answers, I'd convinced myself to expect about 78%. As it was, the problem wasn't the text answers; it was a couple of my hallmark silly mistakes in things I knew well. Those moments of what-was-I-thinking drive me almost as mad as they have driven many teachers and tutors over the years; and I never seem to find them when I'm checking over my work.

Still. I really want to get a good grade in this course, given how much I have always loved astronomy. And maybe I can smile

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