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What is more important the right to kill or the right to live?

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Edited by Simon Paul Clarke, Wednesday, 13 Feb 2013, 21:32

Warning I use strong language.  I'm upset.

Innocent people have died not to mention young children.  My youngest thought this would happen to her and when I tried to explain, she was upset for her cousins, cousins in Pennsylvania, as she thought it was typically American... I'm not so sure she is wrong.


I am angry, very angry! Part of my anger is because I know I can't make a difference, at least not in the USA. This is to do with our cousins the Americans. Didn't you get it after Columbine! The second amendment, that bit about the right to bear arms. Are you off your trolley? This may be a law that in 18th Century, even 19th Century America, may have had validity. But not today, not in 21st Century America. Sorry Charlton 'From these dead hands!' Heston, thankfully he is dead.... so take the fucking rifle from his grasp!


There shouldn't need to buy military grade weapons in a supermarket with ammunition that is designed to cause so much damage to the human body. Why? To protect Americans from what...Liberals, Marxists, Atheists, Muslims or maybe those damn Nazi/Marxist/liberal/atheistic/Muslims. America try to grow up! I'm a liberal atheist, are you going to kill me. I guess freedom should be defined as any European country. Can I ask you President what is more important, the erosion of freedom of speech, torture at Guantanamo Bay, the freedom of expression or the right to kill a person when you get pissed off? Seriously does the death of so many children justify the second amendment. We may not be perfect in Britain but after the Dunblane massacre we have tightened up the laws on gun ownership. It hasn't eradicated the problem but it is very rare.


These were teachers and very young children, who were thinking about Santa Claus, presents, and holidays. What have they done that makes your second amendment to be morally right.


President Barack Obama, how about changing the gun laws, especially the second amendment to the constitution. Those children should never have been in danger. Thanks to the second amendment they were. If you can't sort out your own countries problems then stay out of the rest of the worlds.  Seriously America (and lets face it Britain), just Piss off out of the rest of the worlds business!

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Rachel S

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The problem is that Barrack Obama is a representative of the American people.  Events like this are polarising - they strengthen people's beliefs whatever side of the argument they are on.

People who want tighter gun controls will reason that fewer people with guns = less shooting of innocent people.

Pro-gunners will reason that if only one of those teachers had a gun and could have defended themselves and the children...

This attitude was clear after the Colorado shootings earlier this year, in interviews with locals and in the fact that gun ownership increased in the following weeks.

I suspect (not sure) there are more people in the latter category, certainly the pro-weapon-brigade is more vocal and more powerful.  This morning, BA gave a strong indication that he wanted change, but it will take some soft talking and sharp moving: there are men with guns at every turn.

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I agree completely. Infact, I had a very heated argument with an American friend of mine over this just this Saturday and his unrelenting determination to defend his God-given right to bear arms was breathtaking. A person who normally comes across rather level-headed suddenly turned into someone frenzied, irrational and very aggressive. THAT is worrying.