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Edited by Patricia Stammers, Monday, 18 Nov 2013, 14:35

Sent a sonnet to the Writing Magazine Competition.

I have got a bumper crop of parsley; bright green, bushy and fragrant, so I phoned the shop and asked if they thought the parsley might sell.

"Bring six bunches." So I cut, weighed, bundled and tied them with string this morning. Then I poured about eight inches of water into a bucket in which to carry them. In my backpack I had a smaller container with 30p a bunch printed on the label.

When I left the shop, the parsley looking sumptuous was displayed almost at eye level on a bunker on the forecourt and the assistant had hinted that she would buy some to enhance her fish dinner.

... and there's another crop in the border ready to pick. Cottage industry.

NEXT! I'm planning a ghost story


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