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MOOC - Out of my depth!

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Monday, 18 Mar 2013, 15:27

Oh my gosh!

Feeling like a beached fish flapping on the shoreline at the moment. I've probably tried to do to much for my limited brain in one go - namely, get started with Twitter, enrol on Cloudworks, connect to and look at the blog aggregator for #h817open.

Finding Twitter not intuitive at all, which suprised me - or perhaps it is just me?

Just loads here to get around in one go, and not confident of completing a week's worth of activities. Don't want to get left behind as I can see myself slipping away from this one.

The other thing that's really scary, is that judging by the blog aggregator comments, there's a whole host of people who are racing ahead with the activities. This, plus the volume of comments on the aggregator is really hard to navigate and make sense of in short sessions, unless you're constantly keeping up to date with it - unlike our OU tutor forums where there was only a few of us.

I feel like I'm in a lecture hall of a hundred people, and 15 minutes in, I've realised that I'm way off the pace.


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Don't worry

Sharif, for what its worth, I don't think you are the only one finding it a bit daunting.I too feel somewhat belittled by some of the depth of understanding and technological prowess being shown by some.I have decided to, pick out the nuggets of knowledge, pinch the technological ideas that I can cope with, and just plough on submitting comments without worrying whether others view me as a bit 'backward'.Hope this helpsGarry

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Cheers Garry

I'm hoping I will have got over the shock sufficiently in a couple of days. I went through similar feelings of awe and wonderment when I started to find my voice through blogging (though now I've just moved from university to worldwide visibility, so I will have to rethink the language).

Will blunder along at my own pace until that time - I'm interested to see if we evolve our own streaming system, enabling me to find those operating at a similiar level to me, or whether we will remain atomised.

Let's see what happens.

It's ok!

Don't panic Sharif!

First of all, you don't need to use Twitter, that's really just there if people want to connect and share. So forget that for a bit.

Secondly, this feeling of being a bit swamped is normal. I wouldn't go as far as saying I _want_ you to feel that way, but learning how to cope in a community where there is too much information is an important skill.

Thirdly, don't feel like you have to read everything, think of it as a stream, not a reading list. Dip into the blog if you want. And also there is a wide variety of all types of skills here, it's not just the technical ones that are important.

Lastly, enjoy it! There are some fun activities (I hope) here and it doesn't matter too much about getting the "right" answer in lots of them, it's about the experience.

Deep breaths and away you go smile

Deneka MacDonald

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I agree with all the advice here Sharif.  It *is* a lot to take in and that *is* on purpose.  You absolutely do not need to do it all-- pick and choose what works for you and come back into the TG when you need to.  Having your comfort disrupted is good for you (and for everyone) but don't let it get stressful. Also, remember only the blog posts you tag will be aggregated, so this space can still stay somewhat private for you.