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A few years ago

Assignment week - builders next door

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Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

I didn't know my neighbour had sold out. I now live in a terraced house with students on both sides. Builders started yesterday converting the house.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

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Kathryn Johnson

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Oh, commiserations and join the club. I've had students both sides for decades now. Arm yourself with the landlords' phone number. If they get out of hand, threaten them with informing the university - tell them any anti-social behaviour will go on their personal profile. Ask the landlord to tell them not to play music late at night, especially in the bedroom next to yours. They're not all bad, I've had some lovely neighbours but some absolute horrors, too. Most councils have an ASBAT (anti-social behaviour team), get their number.

Good luck!
