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I look young for my age

Invasion of the false widow spiders!

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Edited by Chris Leather, Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013, 12:27

False widow spider

This summer I spotted a particularly mean looking spider out in our utility room. It had been feasting on a couple of bumble bees it had caught in its tangle of web across the skylight. Although I am bot interested and scared of spiders in about equal measure I decided to let it get on with it.

A few months later media hysteria breaks out over the invasion of the killer spiders in the media! A quick check out the back - my spider was out there and it was definitely a false widow. I'm pretty confident it is a Steatoda nobilis, or the noble false widow; the most dangerous spider in Britain!! Obviously context is everything and being the most venomous in the UK equates to being about as bad as a wasp sting. Still, painful enough to give this fellow a bit of respect.

With all the news items in recent months I did a bit of research into the false widows. They are in fact related to the true widows which include the notorious black widow and red back spiders. I was interested to find out just how potent the venom of the black widow was - much more so than a rattle snake for example. Fortunately they are only capable of delivering a small amount in a bite and what is more the false widow's venom is infinitely less potent. It is related though; both are neurotoxins and it was found that the black widow anti-venom was effective against the bite from Steatoda grossa.

Anyway, so enthralled am I by these spiders I have set up a website dedicated to the false widow spider. Along with a few photos and information on the true nature of the false widows I'm hoping to gather information on their increasing range via the sightings page.

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Rebecca Berry

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Shriek!!  I'm a major baby about spiders, I'm ashamed to say, although I try to act all hard and brave when my daughter screams the place down having spotted a tiddler lurking nervously in the furthest corner of her bedroom ceiling!  Website sounds really interesting, keep us up to date smile

I look young for my age

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I'm actually less scared of spiders now than I was before I started doing the False Widow website. Strange really as I now know there are at least 14 biting spiders in the UK. I used to be blissfully unaware of that!