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The State of Britain

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The Bureaucratic state has become a self perpetuating gravy train, as armies of officials think up new laws to introduce and enforce in order to keep themselves in the gainful employment to which they have become accustomed.

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Design Museum

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It sounds like the state of the European Parliament too. 

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And hello to you too, Barry. tongueout

Puppy looking over Diana's shoulder

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That's rather a rosy view. The Transatlantic Trade and investment Partnership (TTIP) currently being secretly negotiated between the EU and USA. Assuming this goes through, the effect will be to grant foreign investors a new right to sue sovereign governments for loss of profits from public policy decisions over health, safety, workplace standards, chemicals use, etc. This will effectively elevate transnational capital to a status equivalent to the nation-State itself, undermining the fundamental principles of democracy in both the EU and USA.