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Believe it or not, this 'oil painting' is a photograph.  February 2018

SXG288 annoying me before it even begins...

Visible to anyone in the world

...this has got to be some kind of record.

So I took a look at the 'Reflection Activity' at the end of Week 1, and it includes the following questions:

What was your educational experience with science in general prior to beginning university studies? [followed by a number of options relating to courses at school]

What was your experience with practical science prior to beginning university studies, including school-based experiments, field trips, and home-based activities (e.g., 'kitchen science')?

What work-related experience have you had with science in general prior to taking this module?

What work-related experience have you had with practical science techniques (e.g., scientific data collection, laboratory work) prior to taking this module?


Technically, the answer to all those questions is 'very little'.

Of course, there is the minor fact that 'beginning university studies' happened fifteen years ago, with my Honours degree in Experimental Psychology that included really quite a lot of practical science (indeed, original research).

But I can't find any way of expressing that...

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