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Stephen Campling

MST124 Unit 3 completed

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I've just completed unit 3 MST124 and found it really hard going.  I really struggled to take on a lot of the information around logarithms and functions.  There seemed to be a whole load of notation which I've not come across before and quite a lot of concepts that I just really struggled with.

Definitely been the hardest going of the whole degree so far for me.  I think when the pressure is off a bit with assignments I'll come back and revisit this unit - or maybe do the sample test a couple of times.

I'm going to answer the relevant questions now on TMA02 before moving onto the second book.  I'm slightly ahead of schedule at the minute but I've still got the end of module assessment from MU123 to complete in the next month or so.

Hopefully the next chapter on algebra will take me back to a more familiar happy place.

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