OU blog

Personal Blogs

Jonathan Turner

Week 10 Activity 12

Visible to anyone in the world

I work in the UAE for a government university. Education in the UAE is a massive priority for UAE nationals and there is no interest at government level for the other 80% of the population who are non-nationals. Some nationals study alongside non-nationals in private institutions but this is not the case for the majority.

bearing these conditions in mind I would like to consider a MOOC that appealed to nationals and non-nationals alike, that would have the following advantages:

- it would allow national students (who are low level, usually unmotivated and academically poor), to study in the same group as highly motivated non-nationals (especially those from developing countries)

- it would allow non-nationals in the UAE access to education

I would include the following design features:

- course content specific to the UAE

- the option to take the course as part of college credit (this would be paid for by the government for national students)


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