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Digital Literacies to learn in Open Learning Content 230414

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Edited by Tom Cheek, Wednesday, 23 Apr 2014, 20:38

Below I have listed a set of skills I feel are essential for successful learning in an Open Learning Content:

NETWORKING - The ability to form a collection of contacts gathered over time, to interact in an informal or formal way with the intention to share and collate knowledge and experiences

FILTERING - The ability to select specific network contacts to meet the knowledge needs of a particular task or learning requirement

ADAPTABILITY - The ability to adjust research points, network filter selection and own thought process to meet the learning needs of a changing world, task or new knowledge

DIGITAL COMMUNICATION - Ability to communicate through technology that is clear in its message and tone

COLLABORATION - The ability to work with others to share, listen to and grow a knowledge base to benefit themselves and others

OPENNESS - Being Open to Change and Open to Others Views

REFLECTION - ability to reflect on new or adapting knowledge to challenge and investigate current views

REALIGNMENT - The ability to realign views and thoughts to conclude and set a stance at that point of time with the high likelihood of further change in the future

CREATIVITY - Freedom to investigate; Freedom to change own views; freedom to disagree

EMPOWERMENT  - the confidence to share own views and the ownership in contributing to knowledge

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