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i had a meeting with...

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Two of the many bosses that I seem to have acquired recently; today.

They were in the slightly difficult position of wanting to tear me into strips but knowing that I had enough nous to make such ardent behaviour look suspect. So we had a slightly testy, 'here to help but you need to wake your ideas up...' conversation.

I fail to see the point of these little chats — I'll do what I do. There is a problem, me of course but also with what is expected of me. They seem to imagine that I share some common concept of what 'success' means. What they don't ask themselves it what I might be getting out of it. There's a pattern: they make decisions, I do the grunt work.

When you call someone a manager they are tempted to manage. And, all too often, such people are the very worst persons to dispense the 'wisdom'. They have a fixed idea about what is needed and everyone's role in said process. They are often megalomaniacs with a skewed version of reality pounding in their heads.

They are often stupider than stupid. In the meeting, for instance, I was told that my computer was being watched. That's a pretty stupid thing to tell me [I knew it anyway], of all the people in this building who might get round that...I might actually do terrible things, if I had a mind to. I won't, but it was annoying that I was being spied on in a way that no other member of staff would be rankles my programmer's heart.

I wonder, in my mind, what all this is for, this life, the being alive stuff... But then I find my form of madness rampant in the world and I say, 'hey, I suppose it works'.


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smile Hi Neil.

It's an arsehole, this life of being managed.

I was a manager, briefly. I was told that I was 'too nice'. Apparently that was my problem! I resigned shortly after receiving this sage advice.

I know you are a man who deserves respect. I know this because I read you and I know you are a man who is wise about life and the way things work.

It would be very easy for me to tell you not to take it. I also know that things are not that straight forward. You have an income to maintain, and It's not as simple as just jacking it all in. Life is complicated.

Be strong and one day you will rise above all these bastards.

I love you Man! Keep on. The future awaits and one day you will be away from this shit.

I know what it is like to be depressed beyond tablets, to dwell on the knife.

Don't go there, please mate.

I love you.