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i'm not a morning person...

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Friday, 9 May 2014, 20:49

A wee bit like Schrodinger then? Maybe not so much.

I dislike any distraction from my routine, even if said routine has been imposed upon me by others; maybe especially there. So I really didn't like it today when I had to phone, early doors, and ask for, I quote, "a same day appointment" with my doctor so that I could get my drugs.

We'll leave aside why I was in such a stupid predicament. What mattered was that I had to phone my work to say that i would be late-in. I write this now with a slight, 'why were you so uptight?'. It's not as if this is that important. This morning it was a big deal.I did something odd.

When I went into the 'nurse practitioner's' office I was assailed by the fact that cats were important to the nurse. In the same way that anyone walking into my office with any maths sense would know that maths were important to me. [That huge, glaring, ∏ scrawled across one of the walls would be a sign for most right-thinking people.]

So I asked at the end of the consultation, "what is your cat's name?" 

Her face went a bit odd as she thought about what I'd just said, "how...?" I explained my reasoning with a wavy-hand. She said, "I thought that you'd read my mind".  

Her reaction was immediate and rational to me knowing something that I shouldn't have— suspect that she was under threat.

We parted on good terms.

But there is a point here: I was strangely too much effected by something that wouldn't bother normal people, and so was she.

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Maria Grazia Inserillo

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Who are these 'normal people'? I often hear about them but I have never met one! tongueout