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Raphael Sanzio (1483-1620 )

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Edited by Patricia Stammers, Monday, 2 Jun 2014, 16:43

Vasari's account of Raphael ( Penguin Classics ) and his art is personal compared with later critics and art historians. 

          'Eventually Raphael's father', a painter, placed his son with Pietro Perugino, 'not without many tears from his mother'. ... 'Raphael imitated his work so exactly' ... 'that it was impossible to tell the difference between the copies he made and his master's originals.'  Did Vasari know Raphael intimately? According to him Raphael, gradually,  developed his own way of painting which, it seemed to his critic was 'utterly realistic and' 'inexpressibly beautiful'.

     It had never occurred to me that Raphael's portrait of Baldassare Castiglioni, ( c.1514 ) according to V., was influenced by the Mona Lisa, ( c.1504-6 ). If that was so and it seems likely because Raph., apparently, went to Florence after his apprenticeship and met Leonardo and Michaelangelo. Titian's Man With A Blue Sleeve (c.1509) might also have been influenced by Leonardo, given the dates.

      Peter and Linda Murray's Dictionary of Art and Artists gives an account of Raphael. Have not read Gian Pietro Bellori on Italian Renaissance art yet.


1) Penguin Classics, P. and L. Murray, Dictionary of Art and Artists

2) Penguin Classics, Vasari, trans. Bull, Lives of the Artists Volume 1

Wednesday 4th June is LIBRARY VAN day.

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