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Review of OpenMentor Results

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In summary, this is how my review of assessment feedback compared to OpenMentor

Bales Category 1 - Positive Reactions

I listed '0'

Open Mentor listed '0'

Therefore the judgements of the assessment language was interpreted the same


Bales Category 2 - Attempted Answers

I listed '7'

OpenMentor listed '8'

Again the judgement was very much the same


Bales Category 3 - Questions

I listed '0'

OpenMentor listed '0'

Again the judgement was very much the same


Bales Category 4 - Negative Reactions

I listed '10'

OpenMentor listed '1'

Some of the comments I listed as more than just one in Category D.  For example for the comment listed below number 3, I analysed that as D1,2 and 3 so already 3 points in the 'D' Category.  I am very careful with language used and I feel that the following assessment feedback does at time have an unnecessary negative tone.  I offer some examples below:

1. 'of course this would become very expensive and not at all scalable' - the words 'of course' offers no additional benefit and I feel sounds a little patronising

2. 'I find using etcetera a bit of a cop out so either complete it or use words like including'.  This seems a bit blunt in its' delivery

3. 'you at least alert me to the fact that you are diverging from the question' -again the tone is rather autocratic and command/obey - language that doesn't work well for me but maybe for some this direct approach would be preferred.

It demonstrates to me the need to use language so carefully, as in principle it may not be negative comments/assessment being made but for some readers it could be seen as so.




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