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Personal Blogs

Altahair Attia Adelkarim

H800 Act 3

Visible to anyone in the world
  1. My own experience of being a learner. This is to me, an enormous question about which I could probably write for hours; my experience of being a learner now? Or in the noughties? Or the nineties? Or the eighties? Or the seventies? Or even in the sixties? Has technology changed anything? Certainly, even between any two of the decades listed technological advances altered the way we learned.
  2. I have always tried to use the widest range of resources available; the internet has certainly broadened the net, allowing access to journals and papers that were only available to dedicated academics in the past.
  3. I enjoy using new technology to assist with my learning. The computer (in various forms) has dominated the technology, realistically, but the integration of various media has probably had the biggest overall effect.
  4. In 1976 I studied Greek Literature (in translation); Homer, Herodotus and others. This involved reading, re-reading, and reading again; versions, variations, translations and the interpretations of different writers. At the time, we had no choice but to accept that there was a consensus on the meaning; without access to remote academic libraries there was no way to find this out for ourselves. Today, if I search the subject, it seems that the consensus that held then still holds, but the arguments for and against are there for all to see.
  5. No specific problems, although internet connections breaking in the middle of a web conference is never a good thing.
  6. It can be extremely de-motivating; but as others have said, you have to just take it and carry on.
  7. Make the most of what IS available; make fullĀ  use of the internet whiles the connection is good; download and save where possible.
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