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Karen Wright

Summer School

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Edited by Karen Wright, Tuesday, 12 Sep 2017, 10:40

Unfortunately my mental health did not cope with summer school completely over whelmed by it all though I really enjoyed the two days I was there, what a light weight. Still now after recovering from my sorry state I am booked up for A222 Philosophy and have begun reading up in preparation for the course. Really enjoying what I am reading so far and looking forward to another delightful OU course.

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Sounds like you made a big stride with going to summer school. It can be a big ask, what with travelling, staying in a new environment with people you don't know and studying new stuff. Doesn't matter that you had to leave early, point is you got there in the first place and stayed 2 days. Next time will be easier.

Karen Wright

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Thanks Cathy for your encouragement. As I have gotten older I have found it more and more difficult to deal with social situations but as you said I managed two days and have learnt lesson for it. However I used to be quite the party animal but alass my partying days are done roll on the fire side sleepers and pipe days, groan.


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We all go through phases.  Due to illness I was socially isolated for 2 1/2 years during which my talking was restricted to half a dozen words at most because talking was exhausting.  I eventually got better and got a job but the first few months were a nightmare and I would simply go to work and come home and sleep for hours through emotional and physical exhaustion.  There were times I would come close to vomiting through nerves on my way into work and on really bad days I would barely talk to my work colleagues because the words were locked inside me. Now you can't shut me up. smile So although my problems are not the same as yours I can empathise.

Karen Wright

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Sorry to hear that you have suffered to. Like you I was unable to to do anything for about 18 months my brain could just not organize any thing my poor husband had to take over. Fortunately the kids were old enough to look after them selves. I must have waited till then to have a complete break down. But it's good to here that you are back on your feet and operating well that gives me hope. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. smile

Kind regards
