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Hey Y'all....Troy and The Golem

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Image and Text from

Chpt-'Sacrifices'...taken from

'Mametz Wood'(The Darkland)


Ant Dooley and Form...


'Achilles and Hector'...TROY

see how the theme of sacrifices runs throughout....



Read Meyrinck's 'The Golerm'....which is quite insane is'nt it....there really was much experimentation with hallucinogenics in the 18th century was'nt there...rimbaud..meyrinck..lautreamont(who meyrinck is very close too...lautreamont was more ..intellectual abiut his work I think.../..while meyrinck seemed to hate everybody(jews and self-loathing?...)...However..the point i'm looking at is 'The Golem' itself...which was not a man-sized made-man(in the book..it says a small model of a man was ALL that was left of the Golem)...so I'm thinking..Perpetual Motion machine...and their uses...man-as-machine...




Da Vinci...


Hellboy 2-...just an imaginative extension of thought here...perpetual motion and weapons....what a scary idea!




So maybe Meyrinck's drug fantasies could see something no-one else could....Golem/Frankenstein/unstoppable army....its not that far a stretch...Unstoppable army?..long-distance weaponry....Ask the Palestinians and israelis...they're experts on killing things....



man-the-creator ..


just riffing Y'all...


hope all are well and you know...well..you do..otherwise....why study?...








Hope all are well...still working on some pieces...the poetry I used yesterday was an improvisation from the Myth of Conchubar...however it could easily have been Welsh or Anglo-saxon....there was a brilliant programme on BBCRadio3 last night on 'The bayeaux tapestry'...and tonight its 'beowulf'..seamus heaney....they are repeats...but...if somethings that good..keep saying it(grin)...give a listen...you'll enjoy..its Seamus Heaney. 




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