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once upon a time...

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 6 Sep 2014, 16:40

I worked in a school where Alistair Darling held his 'surgery'. Like he was a doctor or something. It was often quiet so we spent quite a bit of time chatting about politics. Alistair is a really nice man whose heart is in the right place, he has a strong belief in social justice and really wants to achieve it. He actually believes in the union. He's just madly wrong.

I'm probably going to be writing a lot of posts about the indyref over the next couple of weeks. Mostly because I don't think that the media is doing a good job of explaining what's happening. When I talk to my English mates they don't seem to 'get' the issues and why we Scots might feel that it would be a good idea to be independent. They feel, I think, that we are somehow splitting up the family. Which couldn't be further from the truth -- we love the family, we're always going to have a special relationship. It's just that we feel that it would be better for all of us if we changed some of the fundamentals.

The media cover is skewed, for example, there's some suggestion that things are getting violent; utter tosh. We're all on a Jimmy Reid warning here. ["There will be no hooliganism. There will be no vandalism. There will be no bevying....because the world is watching us.  It is our responsibility to conduct ourselves with dignity and with maturity."] A speech that most Scots know by heart.

Things are getting exciting, we're expecting an 80%+ turnout. I wouldn't be surprised if we hit 90%. Imagine that! As Scots we are having a national conversation about who we are and who we want to be. And it's becoming increasingly real and today.

Something that we all had in the back-of-our-mind's has suddenly gotten huge. In part this is because we're beginning to feel how close this is going to be. I think that most of us on the yes side just assumed that were going to get roundly-scubbed. We're now beginning to feel like the momentum is with us, the nos are looking rattled.

Whatever. The real news is that the pubs have started to apply for all-night licenses, so that we can watch the results, in the pub, bevying.

Well, we are Scots after all. The chip shops will be open early.



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