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Salmond goes...

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And I find myself a wee bit sad. I thought that he made a measured valedictory speech. The comments were poisonous in both directions.

I think that it is right that he should resign. The divisiveness of all this has been widely exaggerated, still we need a bit of healing and 'eck stepping aside is a great start. As ever he makes a genius move. Nicola will become the mother of the nation.

We need to step back and think about what we've just been through. If every politician stood down that would be a start.

Today there's a real feeling of downess in the Eccoss. I refuse to feel this. An 85% turnout? A 97% registration? Democracy has been the winner here. We have all participated in something very special. 

I'm a yes but I'm glad that the margin of our defeat was as big as it was. We can't pretend that we were robbed, although some people will. We need to move on. The UK is going to have to have a conversation. And I'm convinced that we can do so.

I'd always hoped that it would be Scotland that would show the world but maybe it's right that it is Britain. We live in a world where decapitating people, or bombing the shit out of the bad guys is seen as debate. There is another way and Britain has just shown you it!

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Tom Capey

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Britain will be back at the bombing within weeks.

I've heard disgraced former cabinet minister Liam Fox on BBC radio twice today, and I've hardly listened today.  So I see no progress in the near future, I'm afraid, if people like him are being actively rehabilitated.

I'll keep viewing Craig's website for the optimism though.  And your own blog as well smile


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No Tom, we won.



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I think this referendum is a start not a finish. It will be interesting to see what happens now.

Conrad Shaw

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Hear, hear! Mind you, would the Noes still have it were the referendum rerun after a (hypothetical) strong UKIP general-election result south of the border?