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Cleopatra comin' at ya!!!

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Trying to get my head around the first part of assignment 1 for A100. It's about the relationship between Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. The Roman Empire was like an episode of a soap but better, full of political intrigue, shagging someone elses missus, and a hell of alot stabbing people in the back. et tu brute!! I'm now having nightmares about Cleopatra. I now know how poor Mark Anthony must have felt lol!!!
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The real Cleopatra

Cleopatra has had a lot of salacious press over the centuries. Yet her sexual morality approaches that of a vestal virgin in comparison with the men in her life: Roman aristocrats with life-and-death power over millions, a sense of entitlement dwarfing that of Tiger Woods, and a pre-Christian lack of guilt over sex. When Octavian later put out propaganda on how Antony was shaming his Roman wife (Octavian's sister, Octavia) by lolling about with an Oriental temptress, Antony replied in a letter written with what seems, to modern eyes, genuine puzzlement: "What does it matter to you where I stuff my erection?"