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autumn time at gwaun y gors

Back to school yr 2

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that's exactly what it feels like, that end of summer holiday back to school feeling, though I kind of feel cheated as I don't have new shoes, so i suppose I'll have to treat myself before winter really sets in. This year is going to be much more of a challenge as we live off grid and most of the course work for this years module choice is I believe done online. Living off grid means having to go to a friends to charge the big laptop, and not always having internet access depending on the weather as the mobile dongle signal is temperamental at the best of times. I would be lying if I said it didn't worry me, but I'm up for the challenge. The other worry I have is the end of year exam as exams were my achilles heel in secondary school. However that was thirty five years ago so things can only get worse.... that was an attempt at humour. Living off grid also means that there isn't always enough power for lights, at least that was the truth last winter. This summer we installed l.e.d. lights in all the rooms and got a couple of extra batteries to store power, so we have yet to see how we survive this winter. Its pitch dark outside now, though only a few weeks ago it was still light at this time 19.41. We live off the beaten track in a very rural area, surrounded by fields and marshland, so there is no light pollution, sometimes at night it is so quiet it wakes you up. I prefer the times when there is light rain pittering against caravan roofs and windows, or the sound of a light breeze in the trees outside. Gotta go now... the inevitable lap top charging is needed.. Hi to everyone studying this module, good luck and I hope we all do well.
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