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Edited by Roger Green, Monday, 2 Feb 2015, 14:47

I completed DD303 on Tuesday 7th October. The weeks leading up to the exam were exhausting and I think that is harder than I have ever worked in my life. I took a slight "gambler's" approach to it studying 3 subjects in detail, 3 as backups and 1 more as a fall back. I was fortunate in that the ones that I knew best came up. I made my usual mistake though of writing at the question rather than constructing a clear and coherent argument.

Anyway now that is behind me I can continue with my next module which is ED209. After this I only have DD307 left to complete my degree in psychology. The results for DD303 come out on 5th of December - hmmm.

So far my route to a psychology degree is as follows:

DD131 - Introducing the social sciences - part one
DSE141 - Discovering psychology
SK124 - Understanding the autism spectrum
DSE212 - Exploring psychology
SD226 - Biological psychology: exploring the brain
DZX222 - Exploring psychology on-line project
DD303 - Cognitive psychology
ED209 - Child Development (In progress)


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