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William Konarzewski

Live well for lez

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Edited by William Konarzewski, Friday, 17 Oct 2014, 10:58

No, I haven't forgotten how to spell less. But I've just seen the video that's gone viral of lesbian couples kissing in the Brighton branch of Sainsbury's. (It's on Facebook.) Apparently the staff at Sainsbury's asked a lesbian couple to stop kissing or leave the store, after a customer complained. The response came, in the best of British traditions, from a supportive crowd of lesbians invading the shop and holding a mass kiss-in in the fruit and vegetable aisles.



Which party do I support? Sainsbury's and the "disgusted of Brighton" customer or the defiant lesbians defending their right to kiss in public.

I find this really difficult. My head says go with Sainsbury's - after all it's not very nice to see sustained snogging near food. I mean I don't mind young lovers giving each other the occasional peck on the lips when they feel the need to express their affection for each other. In fact I think it's rather cute. But serious prolonged kissing with tongues is something best reserved for somewhere private - or films. After all, the mouth is the most bacterially infested part of the body - much more infectious than the other main orifices.

But, on the other hand, there is always something rather uplifting about rebellious people giving society two fingers. I don't like it when people rampage through London breaking windows and setting fire to things. But when they do something relatively harmless like snogging over the fruit and veg, it's actually quite funny.

I'm going to go with the lesbians I think. Keep it up girls but please don't visit Colchester's ASDA because that's where I do all my shopping. You have my unreserved support but from a distance.

Which all reminds me of the hilarious story of a couple (I believe they were both Sainsbury's employees, allegedly), who made love on a train. The other passengers observed their activities in total silence. But when the couple had finished making love, they lit cigarettes and provoked an uproar. It was a non smoking compartment. (This happened some time ago before all the anti-smoking legislation). Apparently BR had forgotten to put up signs forbidding sexual intercourse. Appalling oversight, but what do you expect from BR?


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Can somebody please point the mass lesbian kiss-in people in my direction, I wouldn't be offended to see them, honest I wouldnt :-x

William Konarzewski

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Hi Pete - I've added the relevant link to my post above. Best wishes, William