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Nathan Lomax

Action 1.6: Learning in the workplace

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Edited by Nathan Lomax, Sunday, 26 Oct 2014, 20:44

‘Improving working as learning’ , Teaching and Learning Research Briefing No. 55, October 2008.

  • how does the research reported relate to Bassey’s view of educational research?

The Working as learning project recognises the challenge of trying to measure how learning takes place in the ‘dynamic complexity’ of the learning environment (p.3). This fits with Bassey's description of the difficulty of formulating testable hypotheses about effective teaching due to the complexity of learning contexts.

  • what is the researchers’ view on the context for learning? (e.g. where does it take place and how is it supported?)

As well as in ‘formal episodes of training’, learners ‘improve their work performance by carrying out daily activities which entail interacting with people, tools, materials and ways of thinking’ (p.1)

The terms ‘expansive’ and ‘restrictive’ to describe the workplace (Fuller & Unwin, 2000) are developed from Egestrom (2001)'s work into communities of practice that allow learners to engage in deeper learning in the workplace.

Most people have probably experienced

‘organisations that do not encourage learning, either at individual or organisational level.’ Or ‘organisations which might aspire to take learning more seriously but which are hampered through structural problems such as being under-staffed or being stuck at the low quality end of the product market.’


Fuller & Unwin (2001) give the example of apprenticeships.

  ‘A restrictive apprenticeship is intended to produce profitable workers fast. It does not allow them time to study deeply, see the business from all angles, or reflect on what they are learning. An expansive apprenticeship, by contrast, does all this, and helps produce employees who can contribute to many areas of business success throughout a worthwhile career.’


  • how would you describe the scope of this research? (think of the disciplines, the settings and the research questions involved)

This is a large scale research project that incorporates many variables. The framework and wide range of contexts used generated a lot of data but the difficulty of pinning down concrete answers to the question of how people learn in formal and informal contexts is recognised by the authors:

‘Despite a great deal of activity and a substantial body of high-quality research evidence, our understanding of (working and learning) has tended to remain as separate pieces of a large and daunting jigsaw puzzle.’ (page 3)

(This) ‘overrides conventional notions held by some policy makers, researchers and practitioners that the differences between workplace learning environments can be accounted for by fixed variables.’ (p. 3)

 If you could choose three words to describe this research project, what would they be and why?

Ambitious,  challenging, worthwhile

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