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William Konarzewski

Hermione & Imogen: Child abuse

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Edited by William Konarzewski, Thursday, 13 Nov 2014, 19:13

Imogen: Do we know what the time is Hermione?

Hermione: It’s ten past ten Imogen.

Imogen: Does that not seem a little late to be getting up?

Hermione: Actually I’ve been up four hours.

Imogen: You got up at six ten?

Hermione: I did.

Imogen: Where’s Hugo?

Hermione: He’s having a lie in. He gets very tired. He hasn’t quite got over yesterday’s nasty shock.

Imogen: What have you been doing with yourself?

Hermione: I’ve been entertaining Jasper and Seraphina.

Imogen: I was wondering why they hadn’t been to visit me in bed. They normally like getting in with Vere and me.

Hermione: I thought you’d like a little extra time to yourselves as it’s Sunday.

Imogen: What have you been doing with them? No. You haven’t been to the beach in that top have you?

Hermione: I have.

Imogen: But I thought we’d agreed you’d wear that nice dress I lent you.

Hermione: Jasper and Seraphina borrowed it to make a tent. It seemed a pity to take it off them after they’d been so creative. Look out of the window.

Imogen: Oh my goodness. It was never meant to be used like that. I do hope they don’t tear it. Whose idea was it to use the croquet hoops as tent pegs? No. Don’t tell me. What about breakfast? I don’t suppose they’ve had anything to eat. They must be starving. Call them in at once.

Hermione: They’ve had breakfast. We stopped off at the cafe near the beach.

Imogen: Not that ghastly place where the waitress has a pierced nose?

Hermione: She wasn’t there this morning.

Imogen: What did you give them?

Hermione: Bacon rolls and ice cream and Coca Cola.

Imogen: I don’t believe it. That’s child abuse. I like them to have organic muesli when they're staying here.

Hermione: It’s what they wanted. 

Imogen: One doesn’t always give children what they want. They'll be horribly sick. But I don’t suppose you’ve got much experience of children.

Hermione: I’m getting quite a lot of experience with Jasper and Seraphina. They seem to like me when Hugo’s got them for the weekend.

Imogen: They’re too young to understand nutrition. We only give them organic food here.

Hermione: Most of the world manages all right on non-organic.

Imogen: I rest my case.

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Just discovered this...  my allegiance is switching to Imogen, William!  Lawdy... what does that say about me...?  big grin

William Konarzewski

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Hi Elizabeth. The next episode will make you swing back to Hermione... although Imogen was quite right to be concerned about ice cream and Coca Cola for breakfast.

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On edge of seat, William smile