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autumn time at gwaun y gors

What a bloomin Larf

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Edited by Emma Barkworth, Tuesday, 2 Dec 2014, 19:44
We weren't really laughing yesterday morning, it nearly became a blazing row except I can't take arguing seriously so I usually end up laughing or pulling faces at my poor husband David. Sunday's lovely walk had ended up with a missing phone which I hadn't missed till monday morning. We phoned it, we searched the car, we shouted a lot, though I can't remember why...oh yes I do, my husband had recieved texts from his niece which he couldn't answer because he had no credit, and I'd according to him been stupid enough to lose my phone. I retaliated of course with, 'I didn't shout at you when you were stupid enough to fall over in the garden land on a bike and break your ribs'. I was upset because it had the most recent photos of my son on it and as he was never one to like having his picture taken, they were important to me. Well we searched high and low, and I suddenly remembered that I'd put it on the top of the car when I let the dogs back into the boot the previous day. Ooops!!. now that was stupid, at least I thought so as I said it. So it ended up with us having to retrace our steps, and journey, which wasn't at all unpleasant in the least, but said phone did not reappear. I had resigned myself to having to phone my network and ask for another sim and explain the loss of the phone, then I thought to myself as we do... what did I do immediately upon my return from the previous days walk? Ah I thought, I got towels to put down on the dog beds to help them dry off. I picked up the bedogged towels and shook out the beds, and turned around to leave the room as I hadn't heared anything fall, and lo and behold, there was the offending object lying at my feet. I was in fact very relieved. I'm more attatched to this Item than I realised.. hey ho, I'm going to have to admit to being a material girl.
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William Konarzewski

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I think we're all a bit material when it comes to losing our mobile phones. On the scale of disasters it ranks only slightly below denting a new car and losing one's internet connection (especially when you're doing your Christmas shopping on Amazon). Glad you found it!