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assignment scores.

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Edited by Claire Neale, Thursday, 12 Mar 2015, 17:49

Just a bit of a rant, I had my very first assignment back a little while ago I got a score of 75 which I think is good? Someone please clarify for me!

however, me being me I instantly hated myself for getting my maths wrong and just could not feel happy about my result.

I always thought I was pretty ok with maths, hence the maths and physics degree but I made a stupid mistake and got my calculations wrong so instead of focusing on the positive I felt really down and crappy sad

Someone please just come and shake me!!!!

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Hi Claire, 

I've no idea which degree you are doing, but maths and physics sounds like something for very clever pepole, I'm doing a Buisness BA, not quite so academic me thinkssmile 

75 is a fabulous score, in anyone's book and in my opinion, so I think you should be pleased with that and not so hard on your self. Or in other words, get a grip woman, it's still a blimmin great score!! (In the nicest possible way of course) smile Well done !

Carolyn Doyle

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As Rachel has told you 75% is a very good score. If you are doing a level 2 or 3 module then you are on track for a Grade 2 (Grade 1 is 85% or more, Grade 2 is 70 - 84%).

Go girl and don't be so hard on yourself!

Me in a rare cheerful mood

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You need to consistently get 40% to get a degree.  Half way between 40% and 100% is 70%.  You got more than that.  So you are in the top half of scores for getting a degree.  Be happy.

To visualise it, imagine a full classroom of kids.  You know the duffers at the back who muck about and cause trouble?  They will never complete their level one modules.  Throw them out the room.  You know the ones who chat and pass messages?  They won't finish their degree.  Throw them out the room.  How many are left - 2/3rds?  They're the ones who will complete the degree.  Of those, a few will stumble and fail right at the end 'cos life's a bitch like that.  Chuck a couple more out.  Of those left, that's those who will get their degree.  Split that remainder of the class in two.  One half, sitting by the window, will get an unclassified or 3rd or a 2:2.  The other half, sitting upright and staring at the blackboard, will get a 2:1 or a first.  You are in that bunch at the front, paying attention.

Feel better.  You're doing just fine.

University marks are not like school marks.  Do not expect to get 10/10 for your work.  It is intentionally made very hard so there are a spread of scores.  In your class is that genius, the one with no social life, has pushy parents, gets paid-for extra tuition and has already read next year's text books, who finds this subject comes naturally.  That kid gives perfect answers and deserves a higher score than you and to make that happen, you can't get 100%.

Contrary to media messages, not everyone can come first.


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75% - that is really good. Assignments are learning tools as much as records of acheivement. You know what went wrong, you revisited it briefly to fix the correct method in your mind then job done, tied the knot and moved on.