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Personal Blogs

Sarah sitting on the steps outside the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge

Pre-admission stuff

Visible to anyone in the world

An unbelievably sleepless night followed by an incredibly anxious morning. I surprised myself by managing to have breakfast.

Due to a road closure, we unexpectedly ended up with just me and Lawrence going, so we are quite proud of ourselves for being grown ups today. We navigated the 9am Cambridge traffic to find the hospital, the car park and the ward all in good time.

Nurse did all the expected stuff - height, weight, medical history, MRSA swabs, huge pile of blood tests. She took my blood pressure which was an astonishing 125 / 76 - that's bonkers! How can my blood pressure possibly be normal at a time like this?!

CT scan done with contrast - twice, because the first time they didn't get my nose in right! The CT is a bit of magic because it will be used as guidance during the biopsy, i.e. they'll know where they are even though they can't directly see.

Utterly exhausted by the time we got home. Did the sensible thing and had an afternoon nap, which was lovely. On waking up, I've already started getting anxious for the next bit. I think a GP chat will be in order tomorrow, because I can't comprehend how I'm going to cope with the up to three weeks for biopsy results...

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