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Rocky Grove

USA 2015

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Edited by Rocky Grove, Monday, 1 June 2015, 05:21

This is going to be a mainly pictorial trip https://plus.google.com/photos/106027128611804476034/albums/6150746280190931969

I will add every couple of days

A pretty disastrous start, it took three and half hours from landing to being on the road. Becky is going to say I told you so smile Passport Control were most suspicious of all the places I had visited, took me to the detention area and gave me a one to one interview. They were particularly suspicious of Saudi "What was Mecca like?"!!

Then when they let me in I had to queue twice for about an hour each to sort out the car paperwork and then to actually collect it. Since then all has been excellent and I spent a lovely day walking in Zion National Park.

On Wednesday I visited Red Canyon, Bryce Canyon and spent the night in a tipi on the side of Boulder Mountain, although it nearly dropped to freezing as we were at 8000 feet. it was warm enough. I hadn't realised how high we'd get - I spent two days between 7 and 9 thousand feet. 

This evening I'm in Salt Lake City and attended a rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir - impressive. 

I have now uploaded my Yellowstone and Yosemite pictures. 

You've got to hand it to the Yanks, they know how to enjoy their leisure, there were thousands of people in Yosemite but it was easy to completely escape. It's not that much bigger than the Lakes but so slickly organised - I particularly liked the frequent free shuttle buses, which encouraged park and ride.

Today I descended from a little snow - 64 degrees - at the top of Tioga Pass 9950 feet to Bishop, 4150 feet - 94 degrees at 5pm. Tomorrow I head for Death Valley where the forecast is 106 degrees.
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