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Online Learning Issues and Considerations

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Equality in accessibility is having a huge impact on the implementation of technology within FE provision.  There is a desire and an understanding to facilitate the use of technology to respond to stretched budgets (through government cuts) and to respond to FELTAG recommendations. 

I have experienced concerns by some teachers and lecturers that technology could replace them and this concern seems to have now reduced somewhat through better understanding.  A concern that has replaced this though is a feeling of lack of ability and knowledge in how to maintain strong pedagogical practice in an online setting.  This requires training and education in its' own right.  Sometimes I think in education we create our own stresses through highlighting very technical examples which is far from the current status for most teachers.  What we need to focus on it indicate where educators already use technology day to day in their own lives and how this experience and interaction can be applied to their own teaching by use of tools that require little  technological understanding. 

Within my experience of OU, who have a fantastic reputation and background in distance and online learning, I have learnt that less can certainly be more.  The tools being used are not especially clever or technologically advanced, but what they do is encourage learner dialogue, colloboration, use of visual, auditory and digital tools, engage with open education and focuses on sustainability of learning.  These key point drive forward my aims and ambitions and how I feel I can contribute positively to the learning community I am part of.

I will finish this post by looking at the following statement and agreeing or disagreeing with the following?

‘When Noble wrote that “students want the genuine face-to-face education they paid for, not a cyber-counterfeit”, he was only defending vested interests

I would agree with the statement that Noble was defending vested interests.  I  don't think students want specifically genuine face to face education.  I think what they do want is a rich community, full of connections and sharing of ideas and views that fit well into their 'life-jigsaw'.  Students want education to offer the level of flexibility, adaptability and individuality that they experience in other aspects of their lives.  They want education that offers them social mobility, opportunity and positive options in their lives.

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