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Anna Orridge

Toddlers and i-pads

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Edited by Anna Orridge, Wednesday, 17 Jun 2015, 10:44


I find it bemusing how all the predictions regarding kids, technology and learning seem to go either in the Armageddon direction ("It'll fry their brains!") or outright, dubious evangelicalism ("Don't bother with books or rattles - just hand them the I-pad and spoon food into them.")

I must confess, I do give my three-year-old son the i-pad sometimes. He probably spends about two or three hours a week on it (never more than half an hour at a time), usually when we're on the bus or I need to make an important phone call. He has learned to use it with incredible ease, and some of the activities he does (using phonetic toys, playing on mini-keyboards, creating pictures) are probably as enriching as 'normal' play stuff. Having said that, he does also play Angry Birds and a few impenetrable racing car games.

It does appear to be addictive. (He would never volunteer to give up the i-pad. I reckon he'd go for hours if I didn't stop him). I reckon it's sensible to let them have a go in short bursts, just to familiarise themselves with the functions and explore the device. But, at that age, they do need as much variety as possible, so it makes sense to restrict access.

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