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H817 Block 4 Week 21 - Activity 1 Part 1

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Activity 1 - Part 1

From looking at early versions of the Learning Analytics (LA) Wiki stub one thing I noticed was the use of the word 'predict' or 'prediction'. Using information or data gained to for see a student's success but in later versions of the page this word is removed and doubts are added raised by Sharkey (2010). He posits that success is a relative term and this is something evident when looking at for example, online learning in the form of MOOCs. MOOCs could have a defined goal; to complete an essay or test, but a student may not want to engage that much with the content (it's open after all and they are free to engage how they wish), their own level of success may be defined by learning about one tiny aspect introduced during the course. I tend to agree with Sharkey's opinion that you cannot determine all learner desires from data.

Another noted change from the history of the Wiki stub is the creation of a separate but interlinked field, Educational Data Mining (EDM). I find this split confusing as both terms seem to deal with the same issues and impact upon the same stakeholders. One given difference is that LA is more student-centric and EDM is more research-centric. The benefits of LA appear to have stayed constant noting the benefits it can have to allow students to self direct learning by having access to information about their own habits and how the data availability on learner habits can help academics design course materials.

Sharkey, M. (2010) Predicting 'success' - Google Groups [Online] Available at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/learninganalytics/w1eVCqT6GIc/QHLkNbPJiDYJ (Accessed 29 June 2015)

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